NEWTON University publishes the peer-reviewed social science journal Scientia et Societas both in print (ISSN 1801 — 7118) and electronically (ISSN 1801 — 6057) (see also www.sets.cz). In 2022, the XVIII edition of the journal was published. It is usually published 4 times a year.
The journal’s mission is to publish new findings in the fields of economics, management, legal sciences, political science, psychology and other social sciences in the form of scientific and review articles. Scientia et Societas is a forum for scientific discussion on topical issues.
The journal is funded through NEWTON University’s own resources. The journal publishes scholarly articles by authors from NEWTON University as well as from other public and private universities and other institutions. Scientia et Societas is included in the ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences) database and in the ‘List of peer-reviewed non-impact periodicals’ published in the Czech Republic. A procedure for inclusion of the journal in the Scopus citation and abstract database is underway.