International cooperation
International research cooperation
NEWTON University aims to develop international cooperation with the purpose of building and developing a high-quality educational process, as well as related and associated processes.
Priority areas are:
- the development of foreign relations, especially in the fields of teaching, research, and other creative and publishing activities;
- NEWTON University academic staff visiting foreign universities, in order to further and enhance their knowledge and experience;
- NEWTON University students visiting foreign universities, in order to support them to acquire not only knowledge, but also new experiences and skills, as well as the development of communication skills, etc;
- NEWTON University students undertaking internships and work placements at foreign companies;
- Facilitating visits to NEWTON University by foreign students and academic staff, with the effect of broadening the experience and knowledge of NEWTON University academic staff and students, development of communication skills, and development of personal relationships, etc.;
- consistent implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), including routine issuance of Diploma Supplements.
Development of students’ competencies within the framework of international mobility
NEWTON University cooperates with partner schools for study and work placements, including institutions in both EU and non-EU countries (Taiwan — National Taichung University of Education, Tunghai University, Yuan Ze university; Georgia — IBSU; and the USA — Hilbert College).
With the support of the ERASMUS+ programme, NEWTON University offers its students the opportunity to complete part of their studies abroad on a practical placement or at partner college or university.
In 2020, NEWTON College received the ERASMUS+ Erasmus Charter for Higher Education certificate again, this time for the period 2021- 2027. It is currently cooperating with 27 educational institutions (universities and colleges) in 14 different countries, namely Bulgaria, France, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
Examples of international research cooperation
A. 25 Years of Public Administration Development and Reforms in the Visegrad Region — Countries and What Will the Future Bring
A successful example of creative activity carried out on an international basis is a project implemented in collaboration between Masaryk University in Brno, Prague; the former NEWTON College, Kelen-Consult BT, Budapest, Hungary; Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland; and Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. The project, named ‘25 Years of Public Administration Development and Reforms in the Visegrad Region – Countries and What Will the Future Bring’ is financed by the Visegrad Fund (Strategic Grants call: “25th Anniversary of the Democratic Changes in Central Europe”).
Project Number: 31410077
Funding source: Visegrad Fund
Output: 2017 publication “25 Years of Public Administration Developments and Reforms in V4 Region”, ISBN 978 — 80 – 210-8498 – 8.
Project Objective:
The publication describes and compares the developments and trends of further development (modernisation) of public administration in the V4 countries so far.
B. aLIFEca — Virtual Open Course of Automotive Life Cycle Assessment
The applicant of the project is VŠB — Technical University Ostrava. Its partners were NEWTON University, Scoveco, s.r.o., Śląska, Spin 360, SRL, University of Žilina. Associate partners ACEA: European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, ASA: Automotive Skills Association
The project applicant is the Technical University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic. Its partners are NEWTON University; Scoveco, s.r.o, based in the Czech Republic; the Silesian University of Technology, in Poland; Spin360 s.r.l, based in Italy; and Žilina University in Slovakia. The project also includes the following associated partners: European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) and the Automotive Skills Association (ASA).
Project ID: 2021 — 1‑CZ01-KA220-HED-000032222
Project duration: 1/11/2021 — 31/10/2023
Budget: 276 970 EUR
Funding Source: Erasmus+ Programme, call 2021, round 1, key action KA2, Action type KA220-HED- Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project objective:
The main goal of the project is to develop a professional methodology oriented towards the assessment of (managerial) competences of employees in the automotive industry throughout their entire career. Verification of the level of competence based on the methodology developed by the project will take the form of a so-called MOOC course — a massive open online course. The project focuses on a MOOC with a certification framework and practical examples. It will focus on the area of sustainability in the automotive industry with the aim of improving opportunities for quality lifelong learning. Its focus will contribute to the transformation to a Digital Europe. The MOOC will reflect the specific requirements in the field of green mobility with regard to the EU strategy and the Green Deal. At the end of the project, the course will be ready for inclusion in the pan-European database of educational courses offered towards the automotive industry. The results of the project will be shared publicly and in partnership with the Automotive Skills Association.
C. MUDIPLAT — Multidimensional diagnostic platform and methodology to support the development of the natural potentials of the individual
The applicant is NEWTON University. Its partner is University of Wrocław in Poland.
Project identification code: 2021 — 1‑CZ01 — KA210 — ADU-000035065
Project Duration: 1/12/2021 — 1/10/2022
Budget: 60 000 EUR
Funding Source: Erasmus+ Programme
Project Objective:
The project aims to develop a methodology to support the development of an individual’s natural potential followed by a combined pilot training to develop this natural potential. The aim of the pilot training is to validate the proposed methodology and to test the online platform that is created during the project (a multidimensional diagnostic platform for objective self-assessment and support for the development of an individual’s natural potential). As part of the training, lecturers and mentors are also trained to conduct individual training, and to consult the outputs of the platform. At the end of the project, a workshop will be held to introduce the outputs of the project to the professional community.
D. PAS-KSC — Project for Assessment and Support of Key Skills/Competences
The applicant is the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. The project partners are NEWTON University, the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, Spin360 s.r.l, based in Italy, and ASA asbl, based in Luxembourg.
Project identification code: No2022-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000088988
Project duration: 1/9/2022 — 31/8/2024
Budget: EUR 250 000
Funding Source: Erasmus+ Programme
Project Objective:
The aim of the proposed project is to promote the recognition of key skills/competences, to enable and support the development of new methods of measuring key skills/competences. Key skills/competences are essential knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help organisations and individuals to succeed in digital transformation in an era of changing and growing demands for professional skills. In our case, we focus specifically on soft skills such as teamwork, accountability, business awareness, decision-making, communication, leadership, presentation, credibility and ethics, results orientation, problem solving, innovation and creativity, sustainability or organisational skills. The exact selection of a shortlist of these skills will be the result of the first part of the project, based on a survey of the most required competences in a selected part of the labour market (in our case, specifically the automotive industry).
- Building the ability of organisations to work transnationally and across sectors by gaining a thorough knowledge of key skills/competences.
- Improving the quality of work, activities and practices of the organisations and institutions involved.
- Addressing common needs and priorities in education, training, youth and sport.
- To enable transformation and change.
Developing students’ competences through ERASMUS+
NEWTON University actively participates in the ERASMUS+ programme, offering its students the opportunity to complete part of their studies at partner colleges and universities abroad.
In 2020, NEWTON University received the ERASMUS+ Erasmus Charter for Higher Education certificate again, this time for the period 2021- 2027, supporting it to continue to develop cooperation with universities within and outside the EU. Currently, NEWTON University cooperates with 27 educational institutions (universities and colleges) in fourteen different countries, specifically in Bulgaria, France, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
NEWTON University also cooperates with Taiwan — National Taichung University of Education, Tunghai University, Yuan Ze university; Georgia — IBSU; and the USA — Hilbert College. The main area of cooperation is the facilitation of study exchanges.